Quarantine... Bitter-sweet #6
Hey guys,
So today we've had a Tsunamis (and following shock-waves) of news.

Portugal: 642 confirmed infected and 2 dead... Starts with a fucking punch to the gut. Unfortunately, not a surprise (this is so weird to write or think). I mean, this is what we've been waiting for. We all know this virus isn't going to disappear one day to the next but still... we can all dream and there's always that glimmer of hope. Such a freaking sucker-punch.
Starts with a bang huh?
But not everything can be bad news or else... Oh god don't even want to imagine...
Looking on the bright side, China announced that they will start clinical trials in April for the FIRST CORONA VACCINE!!
I have to be honest, when I read those news, well, I got excited and reallyy impatient. I just want this nightmare to be over. Over as fast as possible.
Do you think I can hibernate anywhere? Like in those movies where they send you to another planet and make you sleep for 200 years in a pod? Well I'd be fine with that right now. Maybe not 200 years but maybe 3 months...
It's 20:30 right now and the President just declared "Estado de Emergência" aka State of Emergency. Serious shit. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I guess we'll have to see during the next couple of weeks.
We'll get through this guys!!
Stay safe!
So today we've had a Tsunamis (and following shock-waves) of news.

Portugal: 642 confirmed infected and 2 dead... Starts with a fucking punch to the gut. Unfortunately, not a surprise (this is so weird to write or think). I mean, this is what we've been waiting for. We all know this virus isn't going to disappear one day to the next but still... we can all dream and there's always that glimmer of hope. Such a freaking sucker-punch.
Starts with a bang huh?
But not everything can be bad news or else... Oh god don't even want to imagine...
Looking on the bright side, China announced that they will start clinical trials in April for the FIRST CORONA VACCINE!!
I have to be honest, when I read those news, well, I got excited and reallyy impatient. I just want this nightmare to be over. Over as fast as possible.
Do you think I can hibernate anywhere? Like in those movies where they send you to another planet and make you sleep for 200 years in a pod? Well I'd be fine with that right now. Maybe not 200 years but maybe 3 months...
It's 20:30 right now and the President just declared "Estado de Emergência" aka State of Emergency. Serious shit. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I guess we'll have to see during the next couple of weeks.
We'll get through this guys!!
Stay safe!
Sobre a pergunta que deixaste no meu blog, a minha pele também é muito oleosa e dou-me super bem com o primer :)
ReplyDeleteUm beijinho,
ahhh boa obrigada!! Tenho que experimentar!