Quarantine... Please hear me out #2

Hey guys!

Image result for corona toilet paper

So, today I woke up with this huge sense of frustration and self-aware. You know when you try to put your point across, and feel like the only other way to do so, is screaming it out to the world? That's the level of frustration I woke up with today.

When the first case of this terrible virus broke out in China, I'll be the first one to admit that I wasn't too worried about it.

But why? Maybe because it was happening on the other side of the globe. Maybe because I thought this little bubble I live in, would never pop.

Naive... So naive.

In Portugal, we currently have 169 positive cases... Might not seem that much, comparing with other European countries who are in their several hundreds or even thousands. Unfortunately we're on our way to meet our fellow companions.

Schools and universities are closed until the 9th of April (at least... we all know this will be postponed), most restaurants, bars and all clubs are closed, pharmacies are working one customer at a time (not mentioning the pharmacies that prefer to work outside the store, gas-station-like). Even supermarkets which normally have a schedule of 9:00 to 21:00, are now only functional from 12:00 to 19:00. Even all public transports have been cleaned with a specific product to eliminate the virus.

The worst part about all this isn't even the measures imposed by the government (and rightfully so, don't get me wrong), but the reactions of the people.

I get that we all go into survival instinct and each for themselves but there are limits. Why would you need 10, 000 cans of tuna and 55, 579 toilet paper rolls. Are you inhaling tuna and shitting that much? Let's have some common sense please.

I completely understand going shopping and buying a little extra because you're forced to be home for a couple of weeks. I did too. I mean, I didn't buy toilet paper cause there was none but you got my point...

I understand the panic and the feeling of the unknown, trust me, I feel the same. But it is also the time to think about others and think about out choices because they will eventually affect someone else.

Let's be cautious guys. That's it. Sorry about the rant hahaha

Keep washing your hands and stay safe!!
